Think You’ll Save A Fortune Buying Flooring Online? Think Again …
While shopping online might seem convenient, when it comes to flooring the benefits of buying from us far outweigh any TINY potential savings you could make buying online, that’s IF you save anything at all. In fact, as you can see below our prices are very similar to the CHEAPEST of the online retailers and FAR cheaper than many, but we offer a ton of added value and a seamless experience that online retailers simply can’t match.
Why risk all the problems by buying online?
As of 25th October 2024 we sell a carpet called Seaford for £12 sq mtr. Let’s see how much the online stores are charging in these screenshots …

Look at those prices … they don’t look like much of a bargain do they? IF you do save any money at all, it’s peanuts when you consider all the risks and extra work you have to do! Now let’s look at another range at the top end of the scale …

The Cosmic Twist range is our best selling, ultra tough carpet which I love! We sell it for £20.99 sq mtr.
Based on the cheapest price online you will save whopping £1.45 sq mtr, though there are many stores online which are much more expensive than us.
To put this in perspective for a 4×4 room you will only “save” £23.20, but when you consider all the problems below is it really worth it just to save such a small bit on your flooring?
Don’t Risk It …
True Story 1 …
I sold a vinyl in July and it came in to me torn and the suppliers didn’t have any more so I went online. I charged my customer £140.42. To buy it online was £181.41 including the delivery.
True Story 2 …
A new customer ordered a carpet online for her lounge. The label said “heavy domestic” so she thought it was ok for a lounge. Unfortunately there is good heavy domestic and bad heavy domestic … she had the latter.